Friday, July 2, 2010

Fire Houses Rock

Somehow, the entire thing I wrote last night disappeared. I knew the Internet connection was suspicious, but it told me that it went through. Oh well.

I don't feel like rewriting it all, so I'll give a quick recap:

Day went decently well with few incidents. No rain, pretty intense sun, made the mileage goal- 100 for the day.

Stayed in a fire house in Utica, Ky completely alone. There was no one else in the building at all. I called the number it said in my guide, and the guy just told me the place would be unlocked and to make myself at home.

I took a nice shower, did my laundry, reviewed the maps, and finally got a chance to listen to some music. Highlight: folding laundry while listening to the Jose/Michaela duet from Carmen. That might be my favorite duet, too. It's so perfect. Good job, Bizet.

Anyway, I wrote a lot of good and interesting things last night, but have since forgotten them all. I'll try to make up for it tonight when I summarize my LAST DAY IN KENTUCKY!!!

Location:Utica, Ky

1 comment:

  1. Still following you, dude. You do an amazing job of creating vivid images in your writing. Very illustrative stuff. Please keep it coming -- All in all it sounds like things are going well. You really have me looking forward to those plains for you!
